Welcome to BootcampBod.com!

The only place where getting your butt kicked
to get the body you want feels great

Are you ready for that bikini???

The beach, a bikini, a vacation, a wedding...whatever your event, you'll get the body you want at bootcampbod with Leah

    What you need to know:

    • $120 for 10 sessions, multiple packages available
    • Unlimited monthly memberships now available
    • Registration is ongoing, you can start any time
    • You must sign up for a class via email before attending
    • Parking in front of the studio unit or along the side of the building. After 5 you can park across the street
    • Focus on strength and conditioning using dumbbells, kettlebells, bands and bodyweight.
    • Timed stations so you work at your own pace
    • Short sprints of running
    • Every class is different
    • Bring water to every class
    • Wear appropriate training shoes (NO toning shoes allowed)
    • Sessions run approximately 1 hour


Kitchener Schedule:

Bootcamp and personal training Studio is located at 21A Grand Avenue, Kitchener Ontario

Rules for signing up for a class

  1. Check the schedule. Make sure you're coming to the right time on the right day

  2. Email me the day/date and time you will be attending.

  3. Consider yourself booked for that class unless you hear from me otherwise.

  4. Only if the class is full will I email you back

"Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness."
-Earl of Derby

Classes are ongoing throughout the entire year

Email now to register!

Sweat dries, muscles heal, pain fades. Suck it up and train

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Strength Powered Fitness

Invest in yourself today!
Leah specializes in building muscle, losing fat, working with women, bootcamps, core training, conditioning, shoulder rehab/prehab, low back pain rehab/prehab, nutrition and competition training.
Leah Wynne is a Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist. With a background in martial arts and fitness competitions, Leah's training philosophy is well rounded, incorporating strength and conditioning for everyone from athletes seeking peak performance to moms looking to lose the baby weight.

Some bootcamp exercises you can look forward to when working with Leah are:

Dynamic warmups, squats, deadlifts, burpees,
pullups, pushups, lunges, cleans,
kettlebell swings, skipping, complexes, conditioning, running stairs,
mountain climbers, squat jumps, medicine ball throws, tire drags,
sandbag cleans, ladder drills, sprint drills

You will:

Work your ass off - look forward to training - sweat - have fun - get stronger - lose fat - get RESULTS!

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Copyright © Leah Wynne 2004-2010, All rights Reserved